
Welcome to our blog! We created this forum to explore the many avenues of building and design. We hope you find our tips and advice useful. If you would like an article on a specific topic, please send us an enquiry.

Heat your new rural home efficiently!

Winter took a while to kick into full force but it’s definitely here now! Here are some tips on how to heat proof your home this winter! This one may seem a little obvious but check your home for drafts. The easiest way to do this is with a stick of incense. Go around to […]


How to best light your bathroom

Check out some of the below tricks demonstrating how to best light your bathroom! Eye level mounted light either side of the mirror will help to reduce shadows on the face Be sure to add a dimmer to your lighting in case you do want to take a relaxing bath Decorative lighting such as an […]


Tips to colour your home

Check out our top 5 tips to colouring your home below! 1. Dark grey and charcoal can have a dramatic effect for a feature wall. This trend has been around for a few years and still going strong. Alternatively use a light grey for a more relaxing calmer feel. Ensure to enhance with lighting or […]


What is a smart home?

What is a Smart Wiring? You have probably come across the term before, but what does Smart Wiring actually mean and why is it beneficial to you? If you are looking to build or are currently building, listen up! Basically a smart wired home has a comprehensive wiring installation with cabling for speakers, phones, faxes, […]


How to best care for your rural home in winter

A few things to think about when it comes to how to best care for your rural home in winter! 1. Reverse your ceiling fans. This will create an updraft and push heated air down into the room.This is especially helpful in rooms with high ceilings, and it might even allow you to turn down your […]


Rural bathroom design upgrades you won’t regret!

Sometimes an upgrade is necessary when it comes to designing your bathroom. Consider the following rural bathroom design upgrades to your build – here’s why! 1. An extra vanity – to keep the sanity! This one is pretty self explanatory but having your own space in the bathroom is essential! 2. Larger mirrors. Not only […]


Kitchen design tips for your country home

Are you ready to design your dream kitchen? The kitchen is often referred to as the ‘heart of the home’. It is where the family interact, where meals are prepared and it’s where guests migrate when you’re entertaining at home. That’s why your kitchen must be both beautiful and functional. Here we share with you […]


Top 10 tips to decorating your home

So you’ve finished building your home and now you need to decorate, but where to start? Here is a mini checklist we’ve set up for you! 1. Create a budget, sometimes the toughest thing to stick to but always best to start with! 2. Sketch a floorplan of your furniture layout, know where you would […]


Declutter your country style home

Minimalistic, modern and fresh. That’s the trend and it’s here to stay. Regardless of your everyday activities, decluttering your home is effectively decluttering 80% of your life (stats from an unknown source). It can often be an overwhelming process so here is how we suggest you declutter your country style home. 1. Designate a paper […]