We understand waterwise homes

Out of respect for the local environment, we understand and embrace sustainable building at The Rural Building Co.

You can trust our expert team to design and build you a home that is completely at one with its natural environment, with as little impact as possible. We pride ourselves on building homes that achieve optimal power and water efficiencies.

If you’re building a new home, we can provide a comprehensive wastewater system in which the rainwater, bore water, black water, and greywater go through the same system. The resulting processed water is almost potable and can be used to irrigate your garden.

Given that the average West Australian family uses more than 30% of their water on their lawns and plants, this reused water offers a huge saving!

Waterwise Tips

If you’re keen to minimise your water usage in the home, take a look at the following waterwise tips:

1. Showers account for 24% of total water used in the home. Cutting your shower time by just 2 minutes can save up to 30% water.

2. Stick to your watering days and only water your garden once that day – ideally before 9am.

3. Find and fix leaks.

4. Keep your pool or spa covered.

5. Protect your garden with mulch.

6. Turn off the tap while you brush our teeth.

7. Use waterwise approved products around your home.

8. Plants suited to our West Australian climate need less water, are low maintenance and look fabulous. When planning your new garden, choose waterwise plants that will grow best where you live, with minimal watering.

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